
Monday, January 13, 2014

Elevation Polish Heights of Hawaii Collection & Yeti's Broken Heart

Good afternoon! Let's begin this new week with a new collection from Elevation Polish. The Heights of Hawaii collection is inspired by Lulu's recent trip to Maui and I can definitely see the inspiration in the colors and textures. Yeti's Broken Heart is also included in this month's release of polishes but not technically a part of the Heights of Hawaii Collection. A seasonal Yeti has been known to pop once in a while and this one is in time for Valentine's Day, order it now to wear next month.

Elevation Polish Pa'ako
Two coats
Medium pink creme
Not something we usually see from Elevation with this pink creme and I was a little hesitant when I saw it in the bottle. But once I had it on, I fell head over heels in love. The creme formula is fantastic and the color is soft and doesn't go too cool or warm, making it a beautiful neutral pink. 

Elevation Polish Plumeria 
Layered over Elevation Polish Pa'ako
I do not hide my love for circle glitter so this was a major winner for me. The rainbow of circles looks great over darker colors but I especially love it over pastels. A note on the formula, in order to get a good suspension for all those circles, the base is a little thick but nothing a bit of patience can't take care of. When applying, I would recommend dabbing and thin coats. 

Elevation Polish Plumeria 
Layered over Elevation Polish Tavan Bogd 

Elevation Polish Silversword 
Two coats
Silver shimmer with low holographic density and glow in the dark pigment
Another polish that is new and unusual from Elevation. It almost comes across as a foil finish but it's not. And the added low density holographic pigment gives it an extra sparkle. I am no good at taking glow in the dark photos, so I will leave that to Dani from Dani's Manis, her photo is like whoa

Elevation Polish Silversword 
Two coats and in direct sunlight

Elevation Polish Haleakala
Two coats 
Plum wine with light gold shimmer and medium holographic density. 
This is an absolutely gorgeous polish. The color is rich and vampy and the holo is strong. And the formula is a dream to apply. The sun has been hiding for weeks now but luck was on my side this weekend and I was able to get a full direct sunlight photo of Haleakala for you guys. 

Elevation Polish Haleakala
Two coats in direct sunlight

Elevation Polish Yeti's Broken Heart 
Layered over Elevation Polish Pic de Sotllo
A blend of assorted white glitter with dark purple and black hearts and violet shimmer. 
Yeti has made another appearance this month but this time he's feeling a little heart broken. I don't want to rejoice in anyone's pain but I can't help my happiness in seeing Yeti again in polish form, especially those black and bruised hearts. 

Elevation Polish Yeti's Broken Heart 
Layered over American Apparel Angeline

This collection will become available this Tuesday, January 14th at 9 pm CST in Elevation Polish's shop. Make sure to check out Elevation's blog and Instagram for updates. Llarowe carries select Elevation Polish's as well and those can be found here

*The products in this post were sent to me for unbiased review*


  1. I love this collection. Super cute. I am going to have to try to get my hands on a few.

  2. Wow. Just wow! Lulu seems to be getting better and better at polish.

  3. I love Elevation polish and Plumeria is to die for: gorgeous!


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