
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Charming Handmade Magic Bath & Body Products Review

Provided for Review 
Hey all! I have something different today for you guys. I was approached a few weeks ago by Jamie from Charming Handmade Magic to review a few of her products. She is a new indie bath and body shop and I am always game to try out a new brand. We all know that while polish is awesome, the constant use, especially for bloggers who change frequently, can make our cuticle and skin feel not so great, so I was more than happy to try out her mani bombs and her cuticle balm. 

I received two mani bombs, one in Chamomile and Dandelions scent and one in Raspberry Lemonade scent, as well as a Peppermint Cuticle Balm. The Chamomile and Dandelions mani bomb ended up being thrown away on accident when I was doing a rush clean-up, which bummed me out because it smelled so lovely. I cursed myself for doing that! If you wanted to see what that one looks like, it's available now in her shop

The Raspberry Lemonade mani bomb was wonderful. It was my first mani bomb ever if you can believe it. I don't really have a reason as to why I haven't used a mani bomb yet but I will definitely be getting more! It had a fruity and fresh scent, not too strong, and the bubbles went on for a good while my hand was soaking. And afterward, my cuticles and nails felt really nice and pampered. 

Some tips for those who have not used a bomb yet:
  • Fill a small bowl (but large enough to place your hand or nails in comfortably) with warm water
  • Make sure that your nails don't have polish on them (I did have polish on my left hand in the video below but I soaked my naked right hand)
  • Drop the bomb in and then dip your hand in, soak for about 10 to 20 minutes. (I soaked for about 10 minutes)
  • Once you are done, you may need to rinse off the bomb residue from your skin but do it lightly with water, don't use soap as it will just remove all that good stuff that was soaking in. 
  • When you do dump the water out, I would recommend not putting it down your bathroom sink, especially the ones that do have dried flowers in it, you don't to mess with plumping and it won't harm grass or flowers outside if you dump it there (which is what I did). 

Here are the ingredients for Raspberry Lemonade bomb
Sodium Bicarbonate , Corn Starch, Epsom Salts, Citric Acid, Mango Butter, Macadamia Oil, Almond Oil, Carnelina Oil, Fragrance Oil, Colorant, Sugar

The Peppermint Cuticle Balm has a nice texture to it. It's easy to rub into your skin, not too hard or too soft in consistency. It has a light peppermint scent to it, as with the bomb, not overpowering but just right. The size of the balm itself is on the smaller size. I don't have an exact size for you but you can see in comparison to the bomb that it is a small balm. However, with it's $2 price tag, I think it's a great way to try out a new brand and multiple scents. It's also the perfect size to keep in your purse or pocket and use on the go. 

Here are the ingredients for the Peppermint Cuticle Balm
 Shea Butter, Beeswax, Coconut Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil

In addition to a selection of mani/pedi bombs, Charming Handmade Magic also carries shower bombs, hand and pedi soaks, a hand scrub, and a foot mask. She will soon be releasing lip scrubs so keep an eye out for those. As for what goes into her products, Jamie uses skin-safe fragrances and food-safe colorants to avoid skin irritation. And no glitter, though you will see a few with candy sprinkles. 

Overall, I was impressed by the products I received and if you are looking for a new indie bath and body brand to try, you should check out Charming Handmade Magic

One last item for today's post and it's a video of the Raspberry Lemonade bomb in it's bubble-ness: 


Charming Handmade Magic Luxory Spells & Potions for Bath & Body:

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