Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Guest Post: Dani of From Polish, with Love

Today's guest post is from Dani of From Polish, with Love:

Oh boy. Am I excited!!! Hi Ida's readers!! My name is Dani and I'm the nails behind the blog From Polish, with Love! Let me tell you.....I am so TICKLED that Ida asked me to do a guest post while she's away. I would be lying if I said I didn't flail my arms and fangirl a bit. I mean, it's Ida. The nails responsible for enabling every indie purchase, like, ever. I know she's enabled me on more than a few occasions.

Speaking of her enabling prowess, the brand and the look behind behind what I'm showing you today is all thanks to her!! I've always drooled over her swatches, especially her Elevation swatches. I knew that if I was going to be doing any nail art, it would be with my Elevation polishes!! The look itself is all thanks to Ida. Way back yonder on her IG she shared this gradient dotticure that she did for her #NOTD and I was smitten!

Here is my recreation!


Dotticures freak me out a bit.

I can never get my dots to look right so that's when I knew I wanted to try out a gradient dotticure as they don't have to be uniform!!
I started off with a base of OPI 'Act Your Beige' and decided to add a bit of flair to that with the addition of Elevation Polish 'Aguja St. Exupery' which, if you may not know, is an amazing holo topper filled with flakes. This combo made me feel so fancy! I wish I would have taken a pic before I added the dots because it really was gorgeous.

The polishes I used to create the dots were Elevation 'Lake of the Isles' and 'Theo Wirth Parkway' and OPI 'Cement the Deal'. I decided to veer off a bit and use a different contrast of polishes as I love the 2 Elevations together!!



I really hope I did Ida's manicure justice and thank you for humoring me!!

Thank you again to Ida for having me!

 I must admit, I felt the blushes come on when I saw that she used a look I've done as inspiration. Thank you to Dani for today's post!

Here are links to Dani's social media if you would like to follow her:


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