Hey everyone! I am back from my weekend (and recovery from my weekend lol) and have a few limited edition Scofflaw Nail Varnish's for you all. The first two are unfortunately not available any longer for public sale but the third one posted below is a new one that will be available this week! Scofflaw is going to be restocking her shop this Friday, Feb 7th, at 8 pm CST, and Love Letter from Scofflaw will be available to purchase as a pre-order from 8 pm to 9 pm CST. Yay, more LE Scofflaw's for everyone! She is now shipping directly to Canada and other international brands look to her stockists, Mei Mei's Signatures and Rainbow Connection, to get Love Letter from Scofflaw later this year.
Scofflaw Just Another Candy Cane Polish
Three coats
White jelly base with specks of red, white, holo silver glitter and slight silver shimmer.
LE Black Friday release
A holiday themed polish but subtle enough to make it something wearable year around. Not that I wouldn't wear a in-your-face holiday polish in the middle of summer, just you know, it's a nice bonus.
Scofflaw Love Letter to Jacques Cousteau
Two coats
Dusky teal creme with a touch of blue/violet shimmer.
LE Black Friday release
I can not think of a better color than this as an ode to Jacques Cousteau, it is a lovely representation of the sea that he loved and explored. And the touch of shimmer added gives this Scofflaw a pretty accent.
Scofflaw Love Letter From Scofflaw
Two coats
Black base with silver shimmer and sparks of red and pink.
I have a confession. I usually avoid Valentine's Day themed collections and polishes. While I love red and purple and am slowing coming around to pink, most of the time polishes released this time of the year don't appeal to me. I need something....different. And that's exactly what this is, a stand out among the crowd. The shimmer is intense and the red and pink sparks catch your eye. I highly recommend ordering this while you can!
Scofflaw Nail Varnish is available through her shop, Rainbow Connection, Femme Fatale Cosmetics, and soon through Mei Mei's Signatures. Updates can be found on her Facebook page, website, and Instagram.
*The products in this post were sent to me for unbiased review*
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