Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Hare Polish A Surreal New Year Collection & The Abduction of Persephone Collection: Swatches and Review

Provided for Review 
Hello! I have more Hare Polish to share with you all today. This time I have her New Year's collection, aptly named A Surreal New Year, inspired by the artwork of Salvador Dali. Then, the final three polishes in the post are another trio collection, this one named The Abduction of Persephone Collection, which is inspired by Greek mythology's story of how Winter came to be, specifically of the Greek goddess Demeter and her abducted daughter Persephone.

The polishes in A Surreal New Year have a colored jelly base formula with metallic chrome flakies. Since these are jelly based, I needed three coats for opacity. The polishes from The Abduction of Persephone Collection are also colored jelly based but they each have varied glitter. They are more opaque, I only needed two coats for coverage for each one, though I do recommend two coats of topcoat to avoid a gritty finish. Application was easy all around though. 

I loved all the colors in from both the trios, I know that's a very general statement but man oh man, these are so pretty in person, especially the A Surreal New Year trio. The inspiration, the names, the colors, the easy application, everything is what draws me again and again to Hare Polish. 

Hare Polish's shop is out of stock at the moment but I am sure she will be restocking soon. Check her Where to Buy page for her retailer list, I know many of them have received these collections.

 A Surreal New Year Collection:

Hare Polish Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second before Awakening on New Years 
Three coats
Dark smoky purple/blue jelly with metallic multi-chrome bronze, gold, green, blue flakies 

Hare Polish Rosa Meditativa
Three coats
Mauve rose jelly with metallic teal, green, blue and gold multi-chrome flakies 

Hare Polish When the Melting Clock Strikes Midnight 
Three coats
White jelly with metallic multi-chrome purple, teal, blue, green, and pink and gold flakies, iridescent gold glitter and purple shimmer

The Abduction of Persephone Collection:

Hare Polish Poison Pomegranate
Two coats
Maroon jelly with gold flakies, neon blue, purple, and iridescent gold glitter and purple shimmer

Hare Polish Demeter's Destruction
Two coats
Navy blue jelly with gold iridescent and white glitter and purple shimmer

Hare Polish Queen of the Underworld
Two coats
Raisin purple jelly with teal and hot pink glitter, gold flakies and blue shimmer


Hare Polish:


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