Sunday, July 3, 2016

Cadillacquer LakoDom plus Color4Nails Exclusives: Swatches and Review

Provided for Review 
Hi everyone! I have polishes from Cadillacquer today, courtsey of Color4Nails. The first seven polishes are part of the LakoDom Collection and the final two are exclusives to Color4Nails' shop. 

I am going to make this a short and sweet (but somewhat photo heavy post) so I am including my formula notes at the top. I have purchase Cadillacquer here and there over the years but sometimes the colors can be hit of miss for me. This collection though, wow, it's truly a stunning and beautiful set. The shades are varied in colors, ranging from a pale white to a dark eggplant brown, to a rich red. Yet they are look very cohesive together. The opacity varied as well, a few were a bit more opaque and the others needed a third coat for coverage. But as a whole, they all applied wonderfully. As for which were my favorites, I think the two Color4Nails exclusives were the ones I liked the most. Something about the beige and the turquoise paired together that makes me go YES PLEASE. 

The LakoDom Collection, as well as the exclusives, are available now in Color4Nails' shop, who does ship worldwide. 

Cadillacquer Alexandra
Two coats
Dusky blue jelly with small blue glitter and a delicate violet shimmer

Cadillacquer Anna
Three coats
Magenta jelly base with holographic micro-glitter and shimmer

Cadillacquer Elena 
Three coats
Dusky warm purple eggplant with brown tones and holographic pigment

Cadillacquer Julia
Three coats
White crelly with small golden glitter and shimmer

Cadillacquer Kate
Two coats
Dusky cherry red holographic polish with red micro-glitter

Cadillacquer Katerina
Two coats
Dark purple jelly with different sized golden and copper glitter

Cadillacquer Polina
Two coats
Sky blue polish with small silver flecks and shimmer

Cadillacquer Ethereal
Two coats
Color4Nails Exclusive 
Turquoise creme with golden shimmer and delicate green-gold flakes

Cadillacquer Oblivion
Three coats
Color4Nails Exclusive 
Medium nude creme with violet shimmer


*The products in this post were sent to me for unbiased review*

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