Monday, May 16, 2016

NCLA Color4Nails Exclusive Lolanthe: Swatches and Review

Provided for Review
Hi everyone! I had to take a few days break but I am back today with a new upcoming release from NCLA in collaboration with Color4Nails. NCLA has created this exclusive, Lolanthe, and it will be available only through Color4Nails' shop. 

Look for this to be released May 22nd, specific time TBA later but follow Color4Nails' Facebook and Instagram and if you haven't already joined their Facebook Group, I recommend doing so! 

NCLA Lolanthe
Two coats
Vibrant violet linear holographic with pink shimmer
WOW. This is a truly stunning shade of purple. I will admit to having purple fatigue lately, I have already mentioned it here on the blog. But this sort of purple totally revives my interest. It's such a bold color and the holo flame is a nice medium to high intensity.

I did not notice a change in the holo density with topcoat (which is how I have it shown in my photos) but it does deepen the color a bit when you do add topcoat. My photos also show this to be a slightly bit blue toned, it's very much a purple violet in person. Application was easy as could be, I applied two coats and that was it. My last photo below is under a LED lamp that is not color accurate but shows off the holo-ness a bit more. 

(With LED lighting) 




*The products in this post were sent to me for unbiased review*

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